Dog Walking

Fun walkies for your furry friend! 

Does your dog have a lot of energy? Is your dog left at home bored all day, while you are at work? Or do you travel a lot with your job? Or your dog is at home for long hours due to work commitments, or you are unable to walk your dog due to ill health, then our dog walking service could be the solution for you!

I'm currently only offering solo 1-2-1 dog walks. The solo walk is great for all types of dogs both energetic and more relaxed. It's great for those dogs who prefer one-on-one time, may not feel comfortable in a group, or are older and prefer to have a gentle browse around the park. I like to offer structured dog walks where the dogs have a chance to hike a safe route, have a play and get out their energy. This can be off lead or kept on.

My usual walks include the beach, nearby parks, forests and woodland areas etc. I will walk your dog where they are used to and comfortable with which can be discussed during meeting.


Solo 30 minute walk 


Solo 1 hour wak


Multiple dog Discount 

2nd dog, from same household.


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