Home pet visits

Cats, Dogs, Puppies, Reptiles, Small and large animals, Exotics etc. 

Home pet visits are 20-30 minutes.

I offer a pet visit service, from hamsters to horses and all things in between. whether that be a cat, small or large animal or reptile to name a few.

I'll visit your pet in the comfort of their own home for either one, two or three visits a day (more can be requested if needed).

They will be fed, water top up, cages/trays cleaned, and health checked. Whether you want to enjoy a day out or a holiday, I will visit your home to care for your pet/s and maintain their daily routines. Your pet/s will get lots of fuss and attention and when we're done, we'll secure your home and carry out light duties such as pulling on curtains, watering plants etc if requested.

This service is great if your pet is elderly, recuperating from an illness/injury or just doesn't need a long walk as I can provide toilet break visits. Puppies too! This is perfect for those who have just had a new furry friend join their family but have plans and can't find someone to pop in during their time left at home. I can provide a short walk around the area if requested in the visit and give them some play time and that much needed puppy attention!

I am trained in pet first aid, animal care, handling and have a genuine passion for animals so, you can be stress free and not have to worry as your pet will be in safe hands while you are away. You'll also get frequent updates on how your pets are doing to ensure this. 


1 visit per day 


2 visits per day 


3 visits per day 


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